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7/7/11  Time: 10:45am - 2:45pm Dan River (Dodgetown Rd to Power House Rd)  River Level: 1.51 feet
My daughter finally made it with me on the river. The water level was a little higher and the water condition was stained. I only fished a little since it was so hot and my daughter wasn't fishing. I only caught one smallmouth but it was a decent size fish. Caught it on a 4" watermelon seed grub in open water around alot of rocks.

6/26/11  Time: 11:30am - 5:45pm  Dan River (Dodgetown Rd to Power House Rd)  River Level: 1.45 feet

The water level today was very low but I only had to get out of my kayak 3 times due to the water level. Whenever I approached an area that looked like it was a good area to fish I went ahead and got out of the kayak and fished that area. Today I fished with the seat in the high level position and I stood up a couple of times to try to get use to it. I caught 9 smallmouth, 1 catfish and two bream. One of the smallmouth weighed 1.1 lbs. This is my new personal best smallmouth that I've caught on the Dan River. I used a white grub almost the entire time with the exception of throwing a roostertail a few times.

6/18/11   Time:  9:30am - 4:45pm  Dan River (Dodgetown Rd to Power House Rd) River Level: 1.50 feet
Had the pleasure of fishing with Catawba, Mookie, Finstalker and WilkesKayakFisher today. It pays to fish with someone that has done this kind of fishing before. I caught my personal best Dan River smallmouth today and I caught a total of 12 smallmouth and three bream. I know a little more than I use to about river fishing thanks to Mookie. He has fished this section of the river more than 50 times. Catawba says Mookie goes by a first name bases on the Dan river, he knows each fish by name. These guys are some super nice guys that anyone would enjoy fishing alongside. Below is a video of Catawba catching the best fish of the day and a couple of pictures I took during the day.

6/4/11   Time: 2:00pm -  8:00pm   Dan River (Dodgetown Rd to Power House Rd)  River Level: 1.77 feet

David and I planned this trip on a spare of the moment. We got on the river at 2pm and I was sure it would be dark by the time we got off the water. As soon as we got started David caught a smallmouth and in the same location he had another one on but it got off. About an hour or so later David caught another smallmouth and soon afterward I caught one. We caught a total of 6 smallmouths, 3 apiece.We were using a small jig type lure (2.5" - 3") in a yellow and red pattern. This lure was purchased at BPS, not sure what the actual name of the lure is called. The water was very slightly stained and the river level was perfect. Neither one of us had to get out of our kayaks from low water level. This was the first time either one of us had ever been on this section of the river so we had no idea how long it was going to take and we weren't sure exactly where the Power House Rd landing was byway of the river but when you see an old pedestrian bridge then the landing will be just before the bridge. View Map

5/21/11     Time: 10:45am - 8:45pm     Mayo River (Anglin Mill to Bus.220)     River Level: 1.70 feet
Got up this morning planning on going by myself until my good friend David rode by the house and seen me getting ready to go. I thought he was going to be working today so I didn't ask him if he wanted to go. While he was gone to get him some breakfast I started getting some more rods ready and my other kayak ready so he could go. When we got to the river I seen that the water was still a little dingy from last weeks rain. As soon as we got on the water we realized that David would have to use the Coosa. The Tarpon was just too small for him. Within the first five minutes we lost the anchor for the tarpon but after searching for it for about 10 minutes David found it in about a foot of water. After we switched kayaks we were on our way. I got a couple bites at the first place I anchored down at and soon afterward David caught a smallmouth. On into the trip David came upon a small creek feeding into the river and he caught another smallmouth. From then on we were looking for creeks feeding the river. We spend quite a bit of time fishing but we weren't catching the quality or the number of fish we should have been catching. By the time we made it to the 770 bridge it was getting pretty late so we concentrated on getting to the Business 220 take out from the 770 bridge on down. Yes there were only two fish caught today and David caught both of them. View Map

5/7/11     Time: 12:45pm - 7:15pm     Mayo River (Anglin Mill to Bus.220)
The river level was 1.58 ft at 1pm and 1.57 ft at 7pm. Finally able to go down the Mayo River once again. This time I was alone and I took my time and I was concentrating on catching some fish. I caught 8 or 9 smallmouth bass and one bream. None of the bass were of any size. I did have a good size bass on using a Lucky Strike Rodent but it got off.  Also, the water level needed to be a little higher. I didn't have to get out any but the kayak drug the bottom quite a bit more than the last trip.
River Levels in Stokes and Rockingham County, NC
Dan River
Francisco Area
Dan River
Wentworth Area
Mayo River
Price Area
Smith River
Eden Area
River Trips
Anglin Mill to Business 220
Jessup Mill to Harts Access (704)
Harts Access (704) to Hanging Rock
Hanging Rock to Moratock Park
Moratock Park to Hemlock
Lindsey Bridge to Madison Bridge
Madison Bridge to Settle Bridge
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