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David Holland
Hometown: Madison, NC
Expertise: Largemouth Bass angler
Fishing Since: 1970
Favorite fish to catch:
Largemouth Bass
Smallmouth Bass
My Grandfather
James Walter Watkins
Born: 10/25/1910 Died: 2/25/1989
Hometown: Mayodan, NC
Expertise: Trout angler
Fishing since: Circa 1920
Favorite fish to catch:
Brook Trout
Rainbow Trout
Brown Trout
My grandfather always enjoyed wading the river at Kibler Valley in Virginia. He always planned his vacation trips where there was a lake, river or stream that he could wet a line for whatever kind of trout he could catch.
Lifetime Adviser
My Dad started taking me fishing in 1970. He would take me and my younger brother to a nearby pond to fish for trout when we lived in Arizona and I remember him baiting my brothers hook until my brother caught his limit before my Dad was able to wet his own line. Everywhere we went he would always take me fishing. During the summer months he taught as many as 15-20 kids how to fish and I would go every Saturday and help him with the kids.
My Dad
Hometown: Madison, NC
Expertise: Largemouth Bass angler
Trout angler
Adviser since: 1961
Favorite fish to catch:
Largemouth Bass
Angler Adviser
Website Adviser
Tim Watkins
Hometown: Ellisboro, NC
Expertise: Extreme saltwater angler
Largemouth Bass angler
Adviser since: 1980
Favorite fish to catch:
King Mackerel
Largemouth Bass
I started fishing with David sometime around 1980. We would leave work and go directly to the lake and spend all day. We still get together when we can and head to the lake. He has always been known to fish well after everyone else is ready to go home. I can remember falling asleep while fishing and waking up to see David still chunking and winding. He is known for someone that doesn't know when to quit, LOL.
I got to know Dennis through the NCangler website. After I started the fishingNCwaters website he started helping me by letting me know what I needed to put on the website and some of things I could do to improve the website. Dennis is part LAKOTA indian and he is proud of his heritage. I sometimes look at Dennis as the wiseman for this website. I hope to get to fish with Dennis one day so we can exchange some of our fishing adventures we have had over the years.
Dennis Stutzenburg
Hometown: Eden, NC
Expertise: Smallmouth Bass angler
Largemouth Bass angler
Adviser since: 2010
Favorite fish to catch:
Smallmouth Bass
Largemouth Bass
I started this website with the intent of having a forum based website. After looking at the amount of time it actually takes to look after such a website I decided I would just tell my fishing stories as they happen. I'm trying to get into various types of fishing to help a larger number of people out when they head to the lake, pond or river. I don't hold anything back, I tell it like it is. If you see me on the water I will help you out as much as I can.
Pond Hopper

Dennis Running Bear

Jesse Duncan
Don't get to see Jesse too much anymore, he's joined the railroad and he's traveling from town to town now. Jesse and I fished alot of small ponds together and a few lakes too. Now he goes trout fishing "when his boss tells him to, LOL." When he's home he trys to get in a trip or two to a local pond. Yes, he's a lunker hunter like myself and if he keeps it up he'll have caught more lunkers than I have by the time he gets my age. Not sure where he got his luck at but it seems like he has alot of it when he goes fishing.

Hometown: Madison, NC
Expertise: Largemouth Bass angler
Fishing since he could pick up a pole
Favorite fish to catch:
Largemouth Bass
Smallmouth Bass