Belews Lake Fishing Trips 2010
12/31/10 2:00pm - 4:45pm Fish Caught: 2 Water Temp: 68
It has been awhile since my last trip. I've been working alot of hours and the weather hasn't been too good this past month. I started fishing in the pond cove and I didn't have any luck. The water temp. was 56 degrees in the pond cove. I went up to the hot hole and started fishing along the banks just up above the hot hole. The water temp. in the hot hole was 68 degrees. I spent some time getting use to my graph and working with it a little and then I moved right where the hot water discharges into the lake. I seen fish jumping all along a small point so I started throwing my Lucky Craft LVR-7 lure (blue & chrome). Within about ten to twelve casts I caught one. I stayed along the point and about 10 to 15 minutes later I caught another bass that was about the same size as the first. I fished that point for about an hour and I moved along working my way along the bank. As I was working my way down the bank I looked back and I seen another fishermen catch one on that point also.
Click on the thumbnail to see it enlarged.
11/11/10 Time: 2:00pm - 5:40pm Fish Caught: 1
Finally managed to get back on the water but I didn't have alot of time so I decided to try Belews this afternoon. The water was really calm and the water temp. was 72 degrees on the lower end of the lake. The water is incredibly clear. I spotted a largemouth in less than a foot of water in the first cove I tried. I threw a swimbait at it but it only followed the lure out and never tried to get it. I fished the Buffetville cove with no takers then I moved down to the marina area and decided to hit the boat docks. Again, there were no takers. I went back up the lake and I went into the pond cove and I seen some small shad hitting the top of the water so I tied on my Lucky Craft LVR-7 lipless crankbait and on the third cast I managed to catch one. Later on I went up to the hot hole to see if there was any action there. The water temp. was 82 degrees, I couldn't believe it. If there were any fish in the hot hole they had to be well done. I fished around this area for about 30 minutes and decided to call it a day. I didn't see many people out there today. I guess they are waiting for the winter air to head this way.
10/2/10 Time: 7:00am - 12:00pm Number of fish caught: 3
Started out fishing the Buffetville cove throwing a white swimbait and my Goliath lure. Didn't get any bites. As I started working my way out of the cove I saw several fish hitting the top of the water after some shad. I tied on a Live Target Rat'L'Trap type lure and threw it out where the fish were coming to the top. I didn't get any bites so I went over to where they had been coming to the surface and I picked up a large school of fish on the bottom with the graph. I backed off the area and started throwing at them again but this time I let my lure sink all the way to the bottom. Within 15 minutes I caught 3 bass that were all the same size, about 1.25 - 1.5lbs. Look at the picture below of what the graph picked up. This is the first time I've ever been able to actually catch fish after I've located them on the bottom with a graph. I fished this area for another 30 minutes but I didn't get any more bites.
Click on the picture to see it enlarged.
I left the Buffetville cove and went down to the dam then I went around the Carolina Marina area. I also found a roadbed along with a bridge that had been torn down.
9/21/10 Time: 5:45pm - 7:30pm Number of fish caught: 1
Finally after more than three weeks I got the new axle put on my boat trailer. I didn't have a lot of time so I went to Belews Lake. When I got to the boat landing there was only two other vehicles in the parking lot, man what a popular lake. I'm sure the fishing traffic will start to pick up as the weather gets cooler. I left the boat landing and headed straight to the Buffetville cove, mainly to get a number before I started fishing for a better quality fish. I started using a white 3.5" swimbait and within ten minutes I had one on and it got off. About 20 minutes later I managed to get the number I was after. After I caught the first fish I threw right back to where I caught that one and got another strike. I left the buffetville cove and went down near the dam and fished until it started to get dark. It sure did feel good just to get back on the water.
4/26/10 Time: 12:45pm - 4:30pm Number of fish caught: 0
Started fishing the boat docks and had one on within 20 casts but it got off. Fished the docks for about 1 hour and moved to the Buffetville cove and only got one strike. Moved to the forked cove and only got one strike. Went into what I call the research cove and had several bass moving around on the surface but they wouldn't hit anything. Fished along the Pine Hall boat landing area in some of the small coves and points and only got one strike. I figured three strikes and I'm out so I left. The wind was blowing hard at times with the water white capping out in the main lake and it also rained for about 10 minutes. Done some searching for about an hour with the graph and didn't really find anything interesting.
4/22/10 Time: 2:00pm - 6:00pm Number of fish caught: 6
Caught 2 fish off boat docks. Moved up the lake and caught 2 more all the way back in the pond cove. One was about 2.5 - 3 lbs. Moved to the cove beside the Buffetville cove and caught one more. Moved to where I call the forked cove and caught one more on a point. All bass were caught using a 5" watermelon Senko either with red flakes or black flakes. Caught all six bass before 5pm. The wind blown side of the lake was the best location today by far.
4/18/10 Time: 10:00pm - 2:00pm Number of fish caught: 6
Started fishing the Buffetville cove. Caught one bass coming out of the cove and went to the dam. Caught two bass on the western end of the dam. Moved to first large cove closest to the dam on the east side of the lake and caught two bass under boat docks. Went above the Carolina Marina and caught one more on the first cast. Largest bass was 3 lbs which came off a boat dock. All bass were caught on a Gary Yamamoto watermelon with red flake Senko.

4/8/10 Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm Fish Caught: 2 Water Temperature: 59
Started fishing the Buffetville cove. Caught first bass about 1:30pm on a Bagley DB3 Natural shad. About 2:00pm caught anoth bass on a Gary Yamamoto 5 inch Black and Blue flake Senko, no weights. Left the Buffetville cove and went to the pond cove. Fished the pond for about 20 minutes and left the pond cove and went to the dam. Fished along the dam for about 30 minutes but the wind was too bad. Went about the Carolina Marina and started throwing a Sexy Shad deep diving crankbait. Had one on within 20 minutes but it got off about 10 feet from the boat. Started raining while I was fishing about the Carolina Marina so I decided to leave.
3/13/10 Time: 10:30am - 3:00am Fish Caught: 3 Water Temperature: 59
The 1st bass was caught using a Cotton Cordell lipless crankbait in the crawdad pattern. The last two bass were caught using a 5" Senko in the black w/blue flake pattern. The Senko has become my go to bait.
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