Belews Lake Fishing Trips 2011
12/31/11     11:30am - 3:30pm     Fish Caught: 2     Water Temp:  61
Went I got to the lake the boat landing was almost full, only two parking spaces left. There was a tournament on the lake today. I went straight for the warmer water and there were boats setting all over the place. I fished between the Humphrey's Ridge landing and the Hot Hole. By 2:00pm I had not had a single bite so I went back down the lake and went into the Buffetville cove. I worked my way from the point until I got all the way back into the cove. There is a good drop almost all the way in the back of the cove which is about 11 feet deep. I threw a jig straight down the deepest part of the cove and I finally landed a good bass after 3 trips to Belews. After fishing this area for about 45 minutes I started fishing the small coves within the Buffetville cove and when I got to the last small cove I caught one more bass with a jig. When I got back to the boat landing there were bass all over the top of the water. The people that went in just before I did were there looking at all the bass floating on top of the water. I seen one that was still alive so I picked it up and turned it over and let it move through the water as I was moving along. When I let it go it swam away and I didn't see it anymore. At least one of the fish lived. It was really sick to see all the dead bass floating on the water. I wish there was something that could be done about people that would leave so many bass there to die. This is the major reason I don't fish tournaments.


11/25/11     11:00am - 3:30pm     Fish Caught:  1     Water Temp:  76
I went straight to the hot hole and there were several boats in the area but noone was where the discharge is at. The water temperature in the hot hole was over 82 degrees. There were fish jumping out of the water in the hot hole. I threw a 4" grub, a swimbait and a lipless crankbait. I had a number of fish follow my lure all the way back to the boat but I wasn't able to catch the only fish of the day until I was down the lake a little and in water that was 76 degrees. I caught it using a Lucky Craft LVR-D7 lipless crankbait. It was really nice weather and almost no wind at all. I think if there may have been a little more wind I would have done better.

9/2/11     5:45am - 9:30am     Fish Caught: 0     Water Temp:  87
I really had my hopes up on this trip but Belews Lake is down 2+ feet. It was still dark as I was going across the lake and with the air temp. being cooler than the lake's water temperature it was also very foggy. The water temperature is incredibly hot so I figured the fish must be really deep. I didn't get a single bite but I did see a bass near the surface along the edge of the water. Some time around 8:45am it started to rain and the roar of the thunder was getting so load that I decided to just get off the water. As I was going across the lake to the landing I ran into a small hell storm and that really didn't feel very good at all. This trip and my last trip to Lake Hunt have turned my thoughts of fishing else where but at this time I'm not sure just where to go. I need to try to spend more time on the water just to try to figure out what it is that I need to be doing to catch some fish.
2/27/11     11:15am - 2:15pm     Fish Caught:  1     Water Temp:  62.5
Before I left I rigged one of my Crappie rods with 8 lb fluorocarbon line and put a 4" blk/w blue flake senko on a Gamakatsu® Weedless Finesse Wide Gap Hook . I started fishing the Buffetville cove and on my first cast I got a bite but never seen the fish. I didn't catch the only fish of the day until I moved into the next cove down from the Buffetville cove. I had several fish on and about halfway to the boat they came off. I'm not to impressed with the finesse hook. I also fished the pond cove and had two fish to get off. I went down to the Carolina Marina area and worked my way along the boat docks but I didn't get any bites. It started to rain so I decided to leave. I had 10-12 bites that didn't produce and I think it was because of the finesse hook.
2/21/11     2:45pm - 5:30pm     Fish Caught:  1     Water Temp:  61
At the boat landing I talked to a guy that tried the hot hole and he said he didn't have any luck. The water temp. in the hot hole today was 72 degrees. I didn't catch anything in the hot hole but I did get a Red Eye lure out of a tree that someone left behind for me. I left the hot hole and went to the Buffetville cove. I got a good bite on my second cast and within 10 casts I caught one in the 1.5 lb range. Caught with a carolina rig watermelon worm. Before I left the cove I had another fish on that surprised me and I wasn't able to get a good hook set in it and it got off.
2/15/11     1:45pm - 5:30pm     Fish Caught:  2     Water Temp:  68.5
I wasn't sure where to start today so I went to the Buffetville cove. When I got there I seen something sticking up out of the water. It was a fiberglass boat and it appeared to still have the engine on it. It was sticking straight up out of the water. Not sure how long it had been there but it did look like it had been there for awhile. I didn't have any luck in the Buffetville cove so I went up the lake and fished a point just up above the hot hole area. Still no luck so I went to the hot hole and commited to staying there for the rest of the day. Two other boats got there just before me and I fished approx. 150 yds behind one of them. Just before I came up on the barricade on the left I caught one using a Carolina rig Zoom watermelon seed worm. I fished the left side of the hot hole for about an hour and then I moved to the right side. Just as I made it over to the right side of the barricade I caught another bass using the watermelon seed worm. I fished in the small cove to the right of the hot hole and I got one more fish on but it got off.

1/19/11     1:00pm - 3:30pm     Fish Caught:  1     Water Temp:  67.4
I went straight to the hot hole area and started fishing a long point just above the hot hole. I marked alot of fish on the bottom at 26 feet down. Didn't get any bites so I started along the banks all the way to the hot hole. The only catch of the day came at 3pm in the small cove that is located just to the right of the hot hole. This cove probably has the warmest water in the lake. I kept thinking about how dirty my boat and my Suburban was so I left shortly after the only catch of the day.
1/1/11     8:30am - 1:00pm     Fish Caught: 6     Water Temp: 68
The Pine Hall boat landing had only 4 other boats that had launched before me. The fog was really really heavy, I could only  see about 100 feet in front me at the maximum. I went about 25 mph all the way to the hot hole. When I got there I was the only one there. It wasn't long before other boats started coming into the hot hole though. While I was in the hot hole seven boats came into it. I managed to catch 6 bass. I only caught one in the hot hole area using a senko. I caught it under a laydown. I left the hot hole and headed to a place near the hot hole that I have had some luck at in years past. Just before I reached that spot I was planning to fish I picked up a lot of action about 40 feet down. This is a depth I'm not use to fishing and I wasn't sure just what to use. I remembered one of my last trips to Belews when I took a rattle trap type lure and let it sink all the way to the bottom. I took my Lucky Craft lure that I use alot and let it sink to the bottom. At 40 feet it takes a while for it to get there. The first cast paid off. I was sure I was going to catch some good quality fish but as it turned out every fish was in the 1.5 lb range. I heard that if you catch bass in really deep water and you bring them up too quick then they will die so I tried to bring them up as slow as possible. I wasn't sure if they could handle being caught at this depth. I only let the fish stay out of the water long enough to get them off the hook. I caught 5 fish in one spot and the water temp. was 58 degrees at this location. Hopefully this trip will help my fishing in the next few months at Belews.

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